Marty Thurber

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Things are messy right now. Well, things are always messy in America, some places worse than others. Remember the song, Ball of Confusion, or Billy Joel’s, We Didn’t Light the Fire? Messy music from decades past. It’s easier to let that stuff go, I mean, it’s so old, last century in fact. It’s ancient history. And who cares about history anyhow?

Take Pandemic history for instance. What happened in 1918? Or in the 50’s? Or do you remember the flu that laid low my parents in the 70’s? I believe this is the fourth or fifth pandemic in the last hundred years. And this one is kicking our buts.

And we seem to have some kind of brain flu to go along with it where people put their brains on the shelf, all except for the part that controls our out of control tongues. That part of our brain is humming along like a runaway freight train.

Talking about how crazy things are today is normal. But engaging our brain prior to opening our mouths is pretty important right now. A lot of stupid, non factual, anti historical trash is passing for wisdom. I think this will become clearer as the light shines on 2020. It’s pretty cloudy out right now, But history tells us, the sun is coming back in a bright way.